Given that, when the email came to try out 'Google Cash Detective 2' I decide to take the leap again. After reviewing how it worked I was convinced that this was going to be my blitzkrieg to profits on Adwords once and for all!
So what is 'Google Cash Detective 2'? Basically, Chris has found a way to measure/score the top Adwords ads and their corresponding keywords by time duration. In other words, if an Adwords ad has been in a top position on Google for many months, then it must imply that the advertiser was willing to keep paying for that position - the assumption here is that he or she is making a profit on those ads.
Now add into that the keyword phrases used - you now know what ads and keywords are doing the best (at least that is the theory). Chris creates a scoring system that shows you specifically the ad you should clone for any affiliate products (most likely, Clickbank ebooks).
A great idea in my mind, GCD2 really seemed to be something to look at. So, I signed up and immediately found 2 profitable niches to try out that were targeting high gravity Clickbank books. I jumped in creating Adwords ads for both using the top keyword phrases shown in GCD2.
Well, long story short - I *FAILED* again with Adwords. My cloned ads ran for a number of days with many hits but absolutely no sales at all. Yes, nothing! Ouch - that cost me hundreds of dollars yet again.
I'm sorry to say that if you really want to learn how to make money online, then, I can't recommend this product unless you have a lot of cash to spare - hundreds of dollars. Maybe you'll find the right niche and ad clone to turn a profit - but, as always, if you're playing with Google Adwords - BEWARE! You can lose a lot of money.
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